An open letter to my family, friends, clients, supporters and enemies, : Jeannine De Palma
We specialize in the Ancient type of Central Asian Shepherd dog . 
           Family dogs that work with other dogs, cats, livestock and big families.   
Runs in the family FF Kim Possible & MOM FF JLo Looks Outs                  
                           Our Mission StatementTo Preserve vs change or improve: 
Adding 2013 , NO we don't breed for 'pets? housands of pet dogs die every day in the USA.  You want a pet go to the pound, save a life.   If more breeders bred for function & not the pet market. The shelters would not be full. . I worked in SPCA when I was a kid. When they used gas chambers.. I watched them walk ttheir last walk. So excuse my bluntness regarding proper breeding ethics... Most all the rescue issues come from Pet people who buy a dog bred to work , When the dog kicks back to function vs sitting on a couch. They don't know what to do and their backyard breeders don't either . So we breed for the original purpose of the breed family pack oriented working dogs.. Yet most of our dogs do function in the family guardian role. Each litter has different temperaments , so we test for it and make matches..   
 We practice STRICT Natural Selection in our breeding .   Which we  have based on old world working lines_ not show lines or fighting lines.      We have selected 4 Generations of correct guardian temperaments.      They are guardians first & foremost .      We have refused to change to meet the insane requirements of the show world.      By adapting our methods of handling ,choosing  venues/judges that prefer working dogs.                                                      
                                                                                  Our breeding decisions are based on performance not ribbons.       

AkBel 1963                                                                Princess Ali . 2000                               FF Gandy 2009
                                   Ali is  5 generation pedigree working titled dog from aboriginal lines .Only one in USA
                                                     Before the breed was changed in the last  15 years.
                       She is the base of our line with 3 outcross males. Certified Excellent FCI RKF Polinova
                                     Her generations  have taken on Cougar, Bear, & Car jackers .   
                                Yet in the modern world she would be discarded for not being a show dog.


Naturally protective or trained protective?              
     Natural stable pack oriented guardian temps are being selected away from. Instead aggression is being marketed as protective.
                   Real CAS do not need training to protect they need socialization to understand not all strangers are "threats"
               Dogs being promoted as Protection dogs , being trained to protect are modern CAO not CAS. 
               Testing a dogs natural ability is NOT the same as training the dog on weekends to understand what a REAL threat is.
                         Or training the dog to be stable? No such thing-  Training does not replace good judgement..
                                         What happens to their own judgement when you are NOT there?  
                                                                Warning    Other web sites:?
                                                     So yes we broke the Mafia Code Of  Silence . We stand up for the dogs this results in enemies.
                                      Special note anyone can file a FAKE complainant about their competition., 
                                        Rip off wants 3j to remove a fake report about me made from a fake email. that is Extortion...
                     We sent a DNA challenge to UKC for a crossbred Litter of Central Asian Shepherds bred iby maxomagic reg as purebred.
                                   We won the challenge and  now the breeders friends stalks us trying to hide the truth by creating drama
                                                            Rant breeding for the show ring first                                                         
                                       All this past CHANGE to other breeds have proven time & time again _to ruin working breeds. 
                                 Inbreeding to recreate a Champion has  created the most serious genetic diseases today's.  
                                         Yet these same dogs_ carriers or affected themselves are Top  STUNNING show dogs.                                       
                                                             Resulting in over breeding despite genetic disorders .
                                             Show breeders set up newbies who are TOTALLY ignorant with the same affected stock -                                    
            Thus creating a Pyramid scheme  in which the truth is hidden .   Massive coverups are a answer to a inherited genetic issue..
                                                        Yet we find excuses NOT to breed a dog not the other way around.  
                                  FoxFire does NOT breed for fancy spotted dogs, or for show friendly dispositions or massive size.
                 Dog shows are not evil,  breeders who care about only winning a dog show sacrifice the dogs natural ability in the process
                                          We show 3-4 X a year to show our dogs are stable in public and working dogs can beat show dogs.
                                                Being the best of the best has made us many a enemy but much more admirers.                                    
                  We started 15 years ago by  importing "WORKING Stock"  vs show dogs. Boy that pissed quite a few people.                                                                                                We used spay & neuter  to substitute natural selection & culling .
                    We adhered to the working standard & bred for the  'strong distrust of strangers , must be amendable to handling" .                                                  
                A must is - allowing natural selection to weed out the weakest.   We do not use modern science to correct what nature selected against.
                                              Dog cant work or needs surgery to breed or whelp we do NOT breed the dog.
                                                      Our ultimate goal to alter as little as possible a group of dogs.
                                                  That were created through natural selection thousands of years ago .
                                                   Thus preserving & maintaining vs. altering the dog of legends.                                                  

                                                             Simply if it aint broke why fix it or in the USA "improve"?  
                                                                                Mr & Mrs Vincenzo De Palma    
                                       Hatred is gained as much by good works as by evil ~ Unknown


 A very big general problem in human vanity & a number of other defects which force many to do it so, that end in itself becomes glory, money, general envy, & sufferings of competitors, instead of preservation of the true qualities of the breed"  Sergey Knyuzev, the professor of faculty of animal husbandry & genetics as it applies to the Central Asian Shepherd dog

New counter
          World Champion Teddy 2007
              UKC/USA  Canadian 
        Mexican-Latin Amercian-             International     CGC-TDI- PH
         Only US World Champion 
Princess ali on guardl
Cleos mom Blaze
1950 CAS dog look s like kim huh
fff kim
(C) All Material and Pictures (C) All Rights Reserved Please Ask for Permission to use anything De Palma 99-13

An open letter to my family, friends, clients, supporters and enemies,

by Jeannine DePalma on 10/13/10

Throughout the many years I have been associated with dog breeding I have tried to be the best I can be.  With that said I have won many shows and I have lost shows, I have made friends and I have made enemies. I have bred many guardians which became champions, some dogs were not breeding quality.  I have judged and I have been judged both in and out of the ring.  Because of the heights I have soared to in this field I am held to a higher regard as I should.  I have taken on back yard breeders and unethical people who are breeding just for the money and not the love of the breed.

I petitoned UKC to take the breed and was thrilled they did.  I have taken on the AKC so the breed would not be watered down and can stay true to their working dog heritage.  I have defended the breed to the point of blood, sweat and now tears.  I have done too little to protect an animal from an unethical person and that dog paid the price, I regret that,
and I have done too much to protect the dog and I have paid the  price, I regret that too.  

I am not perfect and never have claimed to be.

Over the last decade there has been a “cold war” in the Ovcharka world. Started by a person in Ovcharkas years before I got my 1st CAO Tasha.

Over the same time I have stayed true to being an ethical  breeder . By only breeding the best dogs possible and proving each generation.    This is a hobby and a passion, not a business to live a luxurious lifestyle.  Without going into details I did what I thought was right to protect a series of dogs that were not being breed or treated properly.  I tried everything I thought would help and every time I tried to protect these dogs and stop the unethical people I would get backlash so then I had to try other avenues to protect these precious beings,
unfortunately they are still breeding unethically. 

I have worked so hard at my goals and one of the goals was to become a UKC judge.  That is not an easy thing to do and can take many years .  Last year I started this process a little girls dream coming true. I judged some great dogs nnd met great people this year. Im watched my Juniors grow up into young ladies with serious handling skills. It is sad that before the Premier during and after the dog show , a group of non professionals with personal agendas to protect less than ethical people would try to take that away from me. With no basis on my judging skills or dog breeding resume.

Over the years I have been accused of so many things like being over the top towards people who conduct themselves or have allegiance to unethical people, but no one has ever and will never be able to say that I did anything unethical for the breed and the protection of these living
beings without bending the truth or straight up lying as my enemies have tried to do.

In June 2010 I was involved in an incident while driving home from Premier dog show. I am not going to rehash the situation. But below you will find a link not only to the original story but also the follow-up story.  After the incident I was so proud of not only my puppy but thought it would be great to show the better side of a breed that that was one of many recently banned in Denmark. As soon as the media hit ,came a shock and awe campaign from states as far as Texas and Virginia.  Unethical breeders and friends of theirs banded together to slur my name showing years of internet arguments with a one sided view.  Without any proof other than my word and contacts from the people who hate me the most. I was judged guility before I was even spoken to in person.  I  was charged with embellishment of a story.  What that means is since I could  not prove that the two guys that were near my car were there to hurt me or not, I could not prove that there was or was about to be a crime.  My dog Primo stopped them based on my  reactiom two men being near my car with the car door opened and alone on the 90., I could only speculate what their intentions were.  This is what I was charged with embellisment not faking it . The friends and breeders insisted on posting assumptions and completely fake facts all over the net  and a create a blog dedicated to their twist on the story.  They call the town of Brant so many times , I am guility before I arrive.

Finally when my court day arrives my lawyer is not prepared . He convinces me with the help of strangers, my family and my husband to  take a plea to disorderly conduct.  They all state I can not expect to get a fair trail with all of the dog people calling the little town court.  I fought him and wanted to go to trial.  . This small town should not have to foot the bill to bring that group to town so I could prove my side of the story. Contrary to what the group would have people believe, there was no one up in front of the judge but my lawyer and myself. 

There  was no investigation or anything like that.  Because of the amount of contact made by the group to the town, police, news, and court house, the group made it impossible to be able to get a fair trial. I reluctantly took the plea and walked out of the courtroom not feeling satisfied at all and not at all relieved.  The next day repeated calls were mad to the court
house by the same  group to the point that they started sending the calls straight
to the judge.  To be frank I wanted to be able to show my side of the story
about the vendetta associated with me.  So now that that is over with I am
able to move on with my life and live everyday knowing that I am only human,
I can only do so much to protect the incident animals of the world and I can
not change someone’s ethics no matter how hard I try.
 I would like to thank everyone that has stood by me namely my family and
the great group of amazing friends I have made throughout the years.  The
other side tried to ruin my life and destroy what I have worked for so long.
The mission was a failure.  My friends have showed their true respect and loyalty to me.

My family has become closer than they have been in years.
My dogs are safe. I am safe.  I am happy.  The groups attacks have shown how
much hatred is on the other side and has shown not only me but the people
involved with the breed what those people are really like.
In closing I will say that this was a lesson learned on multiple levels and
I am much stronger now.  I will use the knowledge obtained during this
situation and move forward a more rounded individual and more focused on the
future and not just today.


Jeannine DePalma

updated: 4/5/2015
Our dogs do stuff 
USA World Champion
FoxFire Pebbles
God sends us Angels in form of dogs to guide us thru a hard life.
                   Offering us comfort and peace.
But they must return to god so they can be resent to another .
                                      Jeannine De Palma
                                      Princess Ali 2000-2011
                                     FoxFire is closed for calls until 
                                      Ali ashes return home.
photo in mag
Working Dogs
updating 4/5/2015
Public Behavior
     FF Pack dogs, cats

                            Notice how the OLD working dogs resemble the colors of the OLDEST known Sheep?
        Karakuls are the oldest known natural breed of sheep from Central Asia. Dated to the same time of the CASDogs
                       They have BLACK face & range in colors from Gray- Brown, Red - Born Black  _ NO WHITE.
                            Now would a  white dog with  load spots = to a Dalmatian stick out just a tad ? , 
                        Much easier target for the poachers/thieves and predators to see_   YOU THINK!!!
           We breed natural colors , we do not SELECT working dogs based on color ,we leave that for the show folk.
         Can you see the Wolf  saying  HEH doggie you are not a popular show style- so it will be ok if we eat the sheep ?
            Note dogs below are smooch monsters just when engaged after something you see the funny side. 

FoxFire Farms
Wilson New York
716 751 6927
Check out our Animal planet promo
email me
                                                     USA Breed Founder Established 1996 
Only Licenced Judge in the USA based . Based on our 20 years of performance work with the Central Asian Shepherd. 
Reactive dog trainer, CGC Tester , US Leading EXPERT 
Retired rescue 1978 to 2014 Visit new Rescue contact  .  \

Note when you are successful in the world of dogs you have very little time for social media. 
                  UpdatingApril may 2015 
Due to our many judging assigments in 2014 and 2015 including Premier
​we have very little time for social media chatting and groups.
We will publish a list of approved breeders shortly.

FF BAM BAM Dogs of Legend
Working today age 11Years
FF Ollie saves moms old cat from Coyote see facebook under FFBos pic
F Lucian vs the Bear & Coyote see ref
FF Sasha Stops Break in
FF Kim takes 1st Rally title for breed
FF Sehna donates blood to save dog
FF Khun tells bullies back off.
FF Goldie saves owner from Scorpion 
FF Benny alerts to 1st Black Bear 
FF Fezz saves owner from Bear -
FF Nem Stops Looters after Tornado
FF Badger No Robbery in crime spree
FF Soldier wins at Tough Dog 
FF Marcus stops Car jackers
FF Max Protects horses from Predator
. FF Taro stops bear in logging camp
FF J-lo brother stops burglar